Become a Safety Hero

Engaging, Microlearning Compliance Training

The Fire Triangle logo, created in Adobe Illustrator

An Engaging Compliance Training

MeSure, a fictional insurance company, wanted to reimagine their company's semiannual compliance training. Become A Safety Hero takes compliance training into the hands of each of the 2000 individual employees at MeSure and allows them to earn safety badges one engaging microlearning module at a time. 

Employees received one microlearning module a week, to be completed in a matter of minutes. The final module contains an assessment, with results forwarded to the professional learning team. 

When employees complete all five microlearning modules, they will earn their Fire & Safety Hero Badge, one of five badges needed to become a MeSure Safety Hero. By completing this five-part series, employees will become knowledgeable about fire science and prevention, evacuation, and fire extinguishers.


MeSure (fictional)



Skills Incorporated

Instructional Design

Graphic Design


Software Utilized

Articulate Storyline 360


Adobe Ilustrator

Step 4 of the PASS method, created in Adobe Illustrator

MeSure Office Concept Sketch

The Process






This was not the first time I made Become A Safety Hero. In my first go-round, I used a platform called IzEasy, which I chose because of its no-cost option. However, I found the platform too be too confining, and as soon as I had the chance, I remade this training in Articulate Storyline 360. 

This was also my first time using Adobe Illustrator, and while my designs are not as sophisticated as I would like them to be with more time and experience, I am proud of what I created a set of graphics with consistency.

I also used Vyond for the first time on a free trial, and found it to be a versatile and engaging platform. I look forward to creating more with it.

I enjoyed creating five separate, but consistent and connected modules that each contain interactive elements and pleasing graphics to

During testing with family and friends, they said this training was more engaging than the typical compliance training modules they have completed in the past, and they learned new, useful information.